Introduction Katalon Studio

Performance Testing Architecture Overview

This document outlines the architecture for a scalable performance testing setup utilizing WebdriverIO, Selenium Grid on AWS Fargate, XHR Monitoring with DevTools, and Python Plotly for results analysis. Additionally, GitLab CI/CD is used to automate and manage the testing process.

  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • System Architecture
  • Overview Diagram
  • Component Descriptions
  • Workflow Process
  • Test Initiation
  • Test Execution
  • Results Analysis
  • GitLab CI/CD Integration
  • AWS Resource Management
  • Conclusion


1. Introduction

Briefly describe the purpose and high-level view of the performance testing setup.

2. System Architecture

2.1 Overview Diagram

2.2 Component Descriptions

  • WebdriverIO (wdio): A Node.js based testing utility for web applications.
  • Selenium Grid on AWS Fargate: A scalable way to run tests in parallel across multiple containers.
  • XHR Monitoring with DevTools: Capturing and analyzing XHR requests during test execution.
  • Python Plotly: Visualization library for Python used to analyze test results and define performance thresholds.
  • GitLab CI/CD: Automation platform for continuous integration and delivery, managing the lifecycle of performance testing.
  • SQLlite, to store the execution data of XHR

3. Workflow Process

  • 3.1 Test Initiation
  • Describe how tests are initiated, including GitLab CI/CD pipeline configurations and user actions.
  • 3.2 Test Execution
  • Detail the execution process, from spinning up AWS agents, running tests through WebdriverIO and Selenium Grid, to monitoring with DevTools.
  • 3.3 Results Analysis
  • Explain how test results are captured, sent to Python Plotly, and analyzed to define thresholds.

4. GitLab CI/CD Integration

Dive deeper into how GitLab CI/CD is configured to automate the testing process, including example pipeline configurations.

5. AWS Resource Management

Discuss how AWS resources are managed and scaled dynamically to meet testing demands.

6. Conclusion

Summarize the key points of the document and the benefits of the described architecture.

7. References

List any references or additional resources used in the document.