Managing Testobjects in katalon Studio

After you have recorded a test case in Katalon Studio, you often work with test objects. Test objects in Katalon Studio represent elements in your web or mobile application that you interact with during your tests. After recording, you might want to manage these test objects, possibly exporting them for various reasons, such as sharing with team members, version control, or backup. Here’s an overview of how test objects work in Katalon Studio and how you can export them:

Understanding Test Objects in Katalon Studio

When recording actions on a web application, Katalon Studio automatically captures the elements you interact with and stores them as test objects in the Object Repository. Each test object contains the properties that Katalon uses to identify and interact with that element during test execution, such as its ID, name, class, XPath, or CSS selector.

Managing Test Objects

Organizing Test Objects: It’s good practice to organize your test objects within folders in the Object Repository for easy management and maintenance. You can categorize them based on their functionality, pages, or any structure that suits your project needs. Personally I am rewriting most of my testobjects as I like to have everything clean and neat, but if you are slightly less experienced this is a very good template to use as a starting point

Editing Test Objects: You can edit the properties of a test object to improve its reliability in identifying elements, especially if the web application changes. This might involve adding or modifying the selectors used to locate the element.

Important : I personally use the xpath pane a lot in salesforce as this has better support and recognition over css. Normally I prefer to work as much as possible with css. Also use the attribute pane if you are going to parametarize your objects. (will explain this later in the course)

Challenge: Reorganize the test objects so that you have a good page object model structure